The Alameda County EMS Agency is proud to partner with Safe Kids Worldwide to operate our Childhood Injury Prevention Program (CIPP). The program's mission is to reduce the number of unintentional injuries amongst children 18 years of age and younger. Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death to California residents from birth through age 40.
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The Alameda County EMS Agency works alongside a network of community based organizations (CBOs) that serve low income and ethnically/racially diverse populations to educate our community members on child passenger safety seat laws, the proper use and installation of car seats, conducting car seat check-up events in the community, provide materials and resources designed to enhance car seat programs, and foster networking with related organizations.
- California Carseat Law Summary: English | Spanish
- Child Safety "Rear-Facing Car Seat" Law: Effective 1/1/2017
Would you like to schedule a free car seat inspection? View the events below:
The Wheeled Sports Safety Program provides age appropriate, interactive presentations on the importance of helmet use. Presentations focus on rules and best practices for using non-motorized wheeled vehicles (bikes, scooters, skateboards) for children ages eighteen and under. Staff travels to local schools, community based organizations, local governments and recreation centers and other locations to deliver presentations.
For questions or more information on our Childhood Injury Prevention Program, please contact our Childhood Injury Prevention Program Coordinator.