The Alameda County Disaster Preparedness Health Coalition (DPHC) is a voluntary multidisciplinary, multi-agency body created to coordinate healthcare preparedness for all-hazard emergencies through mitigation, planning, response and recovery. The primary role is to provide for communication and leverage collaboration among the participating agencies in these activities.
Coalition duties include:
- Strengthening emergency plans;
- Disseminating plans, tools and resources via shared information management systems;
- Emergency response coordination;
- Establishing priorities for Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) workplan deliverables and funding.
Vision: To collaborate and respond effectively to all hazards with the goal of preserving of life, property and environment. The goal is to ensure the continuum of medical/health care and a resilient health care system.
Mission: To provide education, networking, mentoring, technical assistance, coordination, communication and leadership opportunities to health care staff/facilities in Alameda County.
For more information on the Disaster Preparedness Health Coalition, please contact our DPHC Coordinator.
The Alameda County EMS Agency plans, conducts, and participates in multiple exercises every year to test the various components of the EMS system. This enables us to discover strengths and weaknesses and make adjustments to plans and activities accordingly.
2024 Medical Response Surge Exercise Flyer
ReddiNet is a web-based emergency medical communications system that is used to report hospital, patient, and emergency event status in the interest of coordinating the delivery of care by multiple agencies. ReddiNet is utilized by EMS System participants including hospitals, emergency response providers, and other healthcare organizations.
Login for Reddinet users
Alameda County EMS Agency's Reddinet Utilization Policy
For more information on the Reddinet Program in Alameda County, please contact our Reddinet Coordinator.
The Alameda County EMS Agency is a key component of the regional and statewide Medical and Health disaster coordination and response system.
For the purpose of disaster management, the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) has established Regions. Medical health disaster response is managed at the local Operational Area level through the Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC).
When a disaster strikes in Alameda County and/or when other areas in California Mutual Aid Region II are in need of support during a major event, the Regional Disaster Medical Health Specialist (RDMHS) and the Regional Disaster Medical Health Coordinator (RDHMC) support the MHOAC(s), California Emergency Medical Services Authority and California Department of Public Health in coordinating the delivery vital medical and health services.
Mutual Aid and Administrative Regions Map.
For more information on the MHOAC program, contact our MHOAC
For more information on the RDHMC program, contact our RDMHS