EMT certification applicants: Please read the message in the "News" tab below about recent changes to the application process.

ambulances, Alameda County EMS logo, paramedic uniforms

COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
All relevant information and resources related to COVID-19 can be found on our:

7/9/2024 - Launch of Online EMS Event Reporting. We are excited to announce the launch on of the new EMS Event Reporting Form, expanding our ability to track and address events within the EMS system. The EMS Event Reporting Form replaces the Unusual Occurrence (UO) Form. The new online format simplifies reporting to the Alameda County EMS Agency and is designed for use by individual clinicians, representatives from healthcare facilities, hospitals, EMS provider agencies, EMD communication centers, and coordinators within the Alameda County EMS system. The EMS Event Reporting Form can be accessed on the Quick Links tab or on the Documents page, under EMS System Communications & Memos

7/8/2024- Save the date for September 26th! The East Bay Trauma Centers are presenting the next Trauma Symposium: From EMS to ED and Beyond in September at Cal Sate East Bay. For more information, go to Educational Opportunities for EMS Providers  on the Training page. 

05/23/2024 - First Drafts of Proposed 2025 Field Protocol Updates
The first drafts of the of the proposed 2025 field protocol updates are now available for review by following this link: First drafts of proposed 2025 field protocol updates
To provide feedback on these drafts, follow the link in the memo located on the first page of the linked document. Any feedback must be submitted by June 7, 2024 at 5pm.

05/21/2024 - Double-Sequential Defibrillation Quick Reference Guide
We have developed a one-page quick reference guide to clarify the procedure and address frequently asked questions. Double-Sequential Defibrillation - Quick Reference Guide

02/09/2024 - Alameda County EMS Awards Nominations
We are now taking nominations for the annual Alameda County EMS Awards on a continous basis. For additional information and to submit a nomination follow this link: Alameda County EMS Award Nomination Form

01/26/2024 - 2024 Alameda County EMS Field Manual
The 2024 ALCO EMS Field Manual is now available through your provider agency or for purchase through ALCO EMS. If you would like to obtain a printed copy of the 2024 Alameda County EMS Field Manual from ALCO EMS, you will need to make a payment of $15.00 per field manual that you are requesting through our online payment system found here: Alameda County EMS Payment Platform.  Once you have submitted a payment, please contact Specialist Clerk Sonya Lee via phone at: 510-618-2034 or email at: sonya.lee@acgov.org to schedule a day and time to pick up your field manual.

-2024 ALCO EMS Field Manual (PDF Version)
-Mobile Field Manual App for iOS-based devices
-Mobile Field Manual App for Android-based devices

01/16/2024 - EMS Field Protocols and Mobile App update ideas and feedback
We are now taking continuous idea submissions and feedback for ideas for updates to the EMS Fields Protocols and the Mobile App. Please complete and submit the linked form: Alameda County EMS Field Protocol and Mobile App Updates Form

01/16/2024 - Impact of People v. Cichuniec and Cooper Verdict on EMS Industry and Clinical Practice
We have prepared a memo for our field providers regarding the People v. Cichuniec and Cooper trial involving the death of Elijah McClain. Please see the linked memo for more details:  Memo Regarding The Impact of People v. Cichuniec and Cooper Verdict on EMS Industry and Clinical Practice

03/30/2023 - Changes to the application processes for EMT applicants
The Alameda County EMS Agency has moved to an online application platform to manage applications for initial EMT certification and EMT recertification. As of April 1, 2023, we will no longer be accepting paper applications for any EMT certifications.

To learn more, go to the Certification & Accreditation page of our website and click on either the "Initial EMT Certification" or the "EMT Recertification" tabs to learn more about the requirements of the application appropriate for you, how to log in to the platform, and how to submit your application and related materials.

EMS System Redesign Meetings
In September 2019, we began meeting with all of our EMS system stakeholders to start the process of redesigning Alameda County's EMS system. You can find the schedule for these meetings and related information and on our EMS System Redesign Page

04/28/2022 - Alameda County Trauma System Recommendations
At the Alameda Board of Supervisors on 04/26/2022,  Bishop+Associates in partnership with our Agency presented their evaluation of the current trauma system and the recommendations for the future. You may view that presentation here: Alameda County Trauma System Recommendations

01/06/2020- EMS System Plans Approval
The California EMS Authority (EMSA) recently approved our Agency's 2018-2019 System Plan and the STEMI, Stroke, Quality Improvement, and Trauma System Status reports. You can view any of these approved plans by visiting our Documents Page and scrolling down to the "Plans" section 

911 Transport Provider Compliance Reports
Response time compliance reports for the contracted 911 EOA transport provider (Falck) are now available. You can view these reports by following the links below

June 2024 | Archived Reports

Ambulance Patient Offload Time (APOT) Reports
APOT reports have been updated and are now available for viewing:

June 2024Archived Reports 

Alameda County Emergency Medical Services Agency

The Alameda County Emergency Medical Services Agency (ALCO EMS) is the Agency that plans, implements, and oversees all Emergency Medical Services (EMS) activities conducted in Alameda County.